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Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Life

Ahmad Hossen , a new student into the engineering field.Iam 18 years old , and i have 2 brothers . I Come in the middle after Yahya (23 years old ) , and Abdullah is the youngest ( 14 years old ) . My big brother is studying engineering too but in Germany. I was born in germany and have been living in Oman since 2000. Iam Iraqi , but didnt have the chance to visit Iraq yet.

My favourite sports are swimming and basketball , And its more fun to play water basketball . We play basketball at school and the SQU staff club.

My favourite city is Kiel,Which is located in Northen Germany. I lived my childhood in this city , and i have a lot of memories that will never be forgotten.

I love travelling and visiting new countries and learn about their cultures . I have been to U.A.E, Jordan ,Tunisia,United kingdom, Italy , Germany, Holland ,France, Denmark ,Norway,Sweden,Turkey And Malaysia.

what is written in the picture is prophet mohammed.
Everyone has a person that is his or her idol so they try to be like that person. My idol and the person that i try to be like and have all his ethics is Prophet Mohammed. All his stories and Novels shows that he was a Patient,Kind,Modest,and wise person. So he is my role model in life.

My area of specialization: Biomedical Engineering

I would like to specialise in Biomedical engineering.Which is a quite new field that connects medicine with engineering applications .In Biomedical engineering the students should learn electrical and mechanical engineering basics , so they can relate these two fields to medicine and Biology . This is done by studying how to control the medical machines and how to read and understand the medical signals and making a breif idea of the patients situation.

Iam interested in this field because since my high school i like to deal with biological and chemical practicals. I also have a quite interest in studying the human biology . What i mostly like about this field is the biological labs and that it is mostly applying engineerig knowledge into medical practicals.

I believe that biomedical engineers can help the doctors in finiding new ways of therapy, since biomedical engineers study the application of medicine , i think that they can think wide and search of new methods and more modern technologies that give better results. Biomedical engineers are the hands of doctors according to me becuase they provide them with all the machines and equipments needed in their surgery and patients-checks.So i would like to be useful helping doctors to help patients and stand against all the emerging diseases. This is how i can help the society with my education.

The first place that comes to people's mind when they hear the word
( medical or medicine ) is the hospital ! But i want to make it clear that biomedical engineers do not necessary work in hospitals. They can work in companies that invent medical machiens , or in biological labs in studying therapies ect..
But some do work in hospitals to control and do the engineering work needed there . People hate going to the hospital , But biomedical engineers are brave enough to work in hospitals for their society benefit. I believe that there should be a person working everywhere , whatever the work is and wherever the work is , Or there will never be someone doing that specific work .

This picture shows some medical machines and equipments made , studied and controlled by the biomedical engineers.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Engineers Everywhere

Engineering is the discipline, art, skill, profession and technology of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge.One who practices engineering is called an engineer.
Engineering has existed since ancient times as humans devised fundamental inventions such as the pulley, lever, and wheel. Each of these inventions is consistent with the modern definition of engineering, exploiting basic mechanical principles to develop useful tools and objects.

Chemical Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with physical science , physics and chemistry in addition to economics and mathematics in the process of converting raw materials or chemicals to more useful renewable resources. A chemical engineer can work in Pharmaceuticals ,Polymer processing ,Gas/oil industry ,Nuclear plants . This kind of an engineer is really needed in the gulf and the middle east.

Mechanical Engineering
is one of the oldest branches of engineering . It is a branch that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and structural analysis. Mechanical Engineers can work everywhere since everything has developed becoming more into electronics.

Biomedical Engineering is a field that seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine: It combines the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences to improve healthcare diagnosis, monitoring and therapy. Biomedical engineers can work in hospitals controlling the machines and helping the doctors to read the signals given by the machines, in biomedical companies that invent artificial body organs or in biological laboraties to find new ways of therapy.

Architectural engineering, also known as building engineering, is the application of engineering principles and technology to building design and construction.They work in planing and designing buildings and roads and any structures . They should be imaginitve and with excellent drawing skills . They Also should be able to draw a 3-D drawing of what the design they want it to be built looks like.

Civil engineering is the oldest engineering field , civil engineers work together with Architectural engineers , It deals with designs , constructions and maintenace of the physical and naturally built environment. Civil Engineers should help in building safe buildings that will not fall , so they should be aware of the local environment and weather.

Electircal Engineering is a field that is very needed now a days . it has many branches like : Computer engineering , communication, control , power and electirc circutes. Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. Electircal Engineers can work everywhere specially in companies , Universities and puplic places such as airports controlling the communication and the electric situation